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  • Increased ability to maintain erections
  • More intense orgasms
  • Closer relationship with your partner
  • Increased confidence and vitality
  • An overall enhanced sex life

All WITHOUT expensive, temporary solutions like pills or painful, invasive procedures like surgeries and shots!

“I was tired of paying $60 a pill for a temporary solution. GAINSWave gave me the permanent solution I was looking for.” ~ Michael, GAINSWave Client

Over 80% of Erectile Dysfunction (ED) issues are caused by poor blood flow.* GAINSWave has developed a protocol to treat ED and Peyronie’s disease as well as enhance sexual performance.

GAINSWave utilizes high frequency, low-intensity soundwaves to improve blood flow to the penis, remove micro-plaque, and stimulate the growth of new blood vessels. GAINSWave uses a specific protocol designed to optimize efficacy, safety and results.

Get Your FREE "Be Bold in the Bedroom" Solutions Guide.


"No More Expensive Pills"

"Better Feeling Orgasms at 67"

"It's sound waves"

The 3 Steps to Your SEXcess

1.) Schedule a FREE Consultation

The Restore Wellness Centre Health and Wellness Advisors, along with Dr. Ken Patterson M.D., will answer your questions and concerns and discuss the best treatment program for you. You can request a Free Consultation by clicking the button below or calling 325-400-5154 here in Abilene, TX.

2.) Painless In-Office Procedure

In 6 to 12 sessions, each taking between 15 to 20 minutes, GAINSWave treatments:

  • Stimulate the release of growth factors in penile tissue, resulting in the generation of new blood vessels
  • Break up plaque formation in existing blood vessels
  • Activate dormant stem cells, leading to new cell growth

There is no down time afterwards, because there are no surgeries or pharmaceuticals involved – just the gentle and lulling sound waves!

3.) Enjoy Better Satisfying Sex for You & Your Partner

Resume normal daily activities and experience better erections, enhanced sexual performance, and increased sensation… all without expensive pills or painful surgery. Although results vary, many clients experience a positive outcome after the first treatment.

"It's been incredible. My erections have felt like they were when I was a 20-year-old. My confidence level and ability to perform has dramatically changed since starting the program." ~ Jeff, 61

Request a FREE Over the Phone Consultation Today:

Restore Wellness Centre

Dr. Ken Patterson, MD
4601 Buffalo Gap Rd. Suite B1
Abilene, Texas 79606

Phone: 325-400-5154

Office Hours:
Mon-Thurs 9am-5pm

Questions? Ask them here: